martes, 15 de marzo de 2011


Esta página la hice parael concurso de sketch de Marzo en My Creative Scrapbook.

I made this layout for this month sketc at My Creative Scrapbook.

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5 comentarios:

The Scrappy Cottage dijo...

Now that is the way to bring a sketch to life. Gorgeous layout. Love the colors and flowers you used. Wonderful as always.....

Sonia dijo...

Hello, Hola Luzma!
Esta super precioso tu layout con lindos detalles. Te felicito!

Nati Tristan dijo...

esta hermoso este layout!! Me encantan todas las flores y los colores tan vibrantes se ven estupendos!

dstandard dijo...

Gorgeous page - you always have such wonderful sketches too!

Sharm Nidyanandan dijo...

lovely colour scheme!! and an absolutely lovely take on the sketch! :)

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