viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011


We had a snow storm last August,here it isn´t common,so Yoyo was so exited and went out to play and nade a snowman,but this is for another layout LOL!This layout was made with a sketch from My Creative Sketches.

En Agosto pasado tuvimos una tormenta de nieve que no es muy comun aqui en Santiago,Yoyo estaba muy contento porque se interrumpieron las clases,asi es que cuando llegó a la casa hizo un mono de nieve,pero esa foto será para otra página jaja ja. Esta página fue hecha con un sketch de My creative sketches.

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8 comentarios:

Sue Lui dijo...

Cool layout, Luz! I like that you used colours which are not usually associated with winter for your layout.

Unknown dijo...

cool page you have made love all the embellies and sweet photo.

Jennifer Shaw dijo...

What a lovely masculine LO! I can only imagine the excitement for snow! Here in Canada we get lots and yet it is still a child like happy feeling each time the first snow fall of the year happens. Not so much months later when we are all sick of it. ;) Looking forward to the snowman LO too!

Trudy dijo...

Hi Luzma,
Lovely page and such a sweet image. Great colouring.
Hugs Trudy

cnelson dijo...

LOVE this so much!

dstandard dijo...

Fabulous page as always!

Cindy Gay dijo...

Great photo (you can see the rosy cheeks!). I love the collage of papers.

Shell dijo...

Great take on the sketch Luz! Luv the papers u have used

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