domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010


Hola a todas mis amigas y lectoras.A lo mejor se preguntaban a donde me habìa ido??? Todos los dias pongo algo y ahora casi dos semanas sin nada... Bueno estabamos de vacaciones familiares en Punta Cana,Repùblica Dominicana y luego un par de dìas de compras en Miami. Aqui algunas fotos para compartir.

Hi to all my friends and readers!!! Maybe you were asking,where`s she`s gone.She post every day and almost two weeks in silence.... Well we were on winter vacations (here in Chile is winter) in Punta Cana,Dominican Republic and then we stayed a couple of days for shopping in Miami. Here I posted some pics to share.

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5 comentarios:

Michelle dijo...

Great pics Luzma!!! I am glad you had a great time!!!!

Debbie dijo...

Missed your posts, but kind of figured you were on vacation. Love the pictures! Welcome back!!

María Castillo dijo...

Bienvenida Luzma, siempre haces falta!! Me encantan la foto, pero en la que estan brincando está super!!

Romy dijo...

Glad to hear you had a wonderful vacation. The pictures look great. I love that shot of the four of you jumping high in the air:)

Jill Sarginson dijo...

AWESOME pics Luz! Can't wait to see what you scrap with them!

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